

グルテン・カゼイン ペプチド検査 お客様の声



グルテン・カゼインペプチド検査の後、栄養士の助けを借りてもっと広範囲な治療法のフォローアップをしていく計画です。息子に見られる小さな改善は、我々親にとっては励みになるもので、息子は必ず普通の生活ができるようになると思っています。パキスタンのADHDや自閉症をもつ子供の親たちに、私の息子との経験を伝えていきたいです。携帯番号 0092-○○○-○○○○○○○

By just following the results of the food allergy test, where only low level of reactivity was reported in wheat and sugar, I just minimized these two elements from the environment under the supervision of our food nutritionist in Pakistan and within 15 days I have witnessed that my son has started to sit calmly for short noticeable time spans and his impatient violent movements also started to appear to have slightly eased out. Even this change has also been acknowledged by the special school.

After the receipt of the Gluten / Casein Peptide test report we plan to initiate comprehensive follow-up in the light of other reports with the help of our nutritionist and I am sure that the little progress signs witnessed in my son are quite encouraging and my son will soon be a part of normal life. Any parents of an ADHD / Autistic child in Pakistan can get in touch with me to have first hand feel of my personal experience through my cell No 0092-○○○-○○○○○○○



I just want to express my sincerest gratitude for your research and commitment to helping people. If it were not for your work, I honestly believe that my son would not be talking, socializing nor making the remarkable progress that he has been making in the past five months since starting the GFCF diet.